P.O. Box 1268, Raleigh, NC 27602
The Raleigh Engineers Club (REC) has been in existence since 1926. The club seeks to promote the Engineering field through monthly technical meetings and support of those pursuing a future in the Engineering discipline. We award an annual scholarship to a Raleigh area graduating high school senior to enter the school of engineering at NC State. Our members have a diverse background of engineering disciplines and represent several companies and government agencies located in the Raleigh area.
The Raleigh Engineers Club
2025 Crazybob Productions
Hosted by DeltaForce Technologies
Join the Raleigh Engineers Club!
Annual membership is only $35. Our goal is to provide interesting and technically-oriented programs to its members, offer licensed members an opportunity for continuing education credits, and award a semester of tuition to a deserving, graduating Raleigh area high school senior choosing engineering as a career at NC State. Membership is available to anyone working in support of the engineering profession. You do not have to be an engineer. Download an application here and email the completed application to secretary@raleighengineersclub.org. We'll get you on the mailing list right away!
Managing Stormwater in City Parks: Let Nature Take the Lead! Modeling
Megan Walsh, PE, NGICP
Stormwater Senior Engineer
City of Raleigh
Raleigh Stormwater implements programs, projects, and services to maintain stormwater infrastructure, protect water resources and aquatic life, prevent streambank erosion, mitigate development impacts, and manage flooding. We collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to identify, communicate, design, and construct stormwater projects, programs, and policies to serve the Raleigh community. One of Raleigh Stormwater's most collaborative partners is the Raleigh Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources (Raleigh Parks) Department. City parks, with their abundant green spaces, natural features like streams, and community centers, are perfect settings for implementing nature-based solutions such as Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) and stream restoration. This presentation will highlight nature-based stormwater projects in existing parks (Worthdale Park, Lions Park, Biltmore Hills Park, Millbrook Exchange Park, Glen Eden Pilot Park, Walnut Creek Wetland Center, and more!) as well as the new Smoky Hollow Park that will feature approximately 2,000 linear feet of stream restoration, flood and stormwater management, greenway trail implementation, and other park improvements for passive recreation.
Megan Walsh has 15 years of experience as a project manager, civil engineer, and watershed planner in local government, private consulting, and academic environments. Currently, she is a Senior Water Quality Project Manager in Raleigh's Stormwater Division and oversees the Water Quality CIP program. Megan is a registered PE in North Carolina and Utah and has earned a BS in Civil Engineering from Penn State University and a MS in Civil & Environmental Engineering from University of Utah.